Alright. This is how it all start3d. One day, i was talking to Gary Palidin 0n skyp3 until he told me about da Suicide Trojan. I went on google and searched for da suicide trojan but i found 0ne da result DOWNLOAD THE BALLAD OF GAY TONY FOR FR33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I clicked on it and it downloaded C00PERATI0N.rar. When it finished to download, i saw THESUICIDE.exe. I clicked it andi got BSOD. But when my computer reb00ted, my desktop wallpaper was Luis L0pez raping his m0mma. When i opened up Firef0x, it went to (CENS0RED FOR DA SHIT) and sh00ted me with expl0sive sh0tgun and skelet0n p0pped 0ut while i di3d. Da 3nd. BTW Luis's b3hind ya and he will rape ya.